May 1, 2023Liked by Siobhan Curham

Loved this post. What an inspiration you are Siobhan. You must be as proud of your lovely son, as he is of you. Best wishes to you both xx

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Thank you so much! And yes, I'm very proud of him xx

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Siobhan Curham

What a wonderful childhood your son had. Your love and pride for him shines through in all you say and do and it was lovely to read about it. Beautifully written and I hope we hear a little of his time abroad and wish him well x

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Thanks so much! I'm hoping to visit him in Ukraine in the summer so I'll definitely do an update here if so 🇺🇦❤️x

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Siobhan Curham

Hi Siobhan,it sounds to me that you have raised a well rounded, intelligent, brave young man.

Sometimes we come across complete idiots with no moral compass and very little in the way of brain cells.

I was a stay at home dad for my daughters, they were born 17 months apart and my eldest, as you know is called Niamh, is autistic.

We were at that time living in the wonderful City of Cardiff and I would spend a lot of time wandering around the city showing them the sights and sounds of the city. I would often stop in Starbucks for a coffee and to feed/change the girls, the amount of women that would stop and stare or make comments like “where is mum?” or my personal favourites “are these your little ones and can I do that for you, it’s a woman’s job!.”

Before my daughters were born I worked with adults with complex needs and was a Key worker for a gentleman that required 24/7 care so looking after 2 wee girls was not a problem. I got all kinds of names spat at me from women that thought that because I was a man and looked after my girls instead of mum -who was in work, I must be a danger to them or worse….

I came to the conclusion that people will always be scared of something that doesn’t fit their version of normality, some are just jealous as in this case, her man did a bunk as soon as she got pregnant and never helped out with the child.

I look at life this way, you only get one ride on this Ferris Wheel, one go around, so just do you, do what makes you happy, live, love, laugh, travel- be the best you and most importantly- remember to enjoy the ride!.

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Hi Darren, I'm so sorry you had to experience this. It's such a shame that some people get so triggered by anything that doesn't fit their definition of 'normal' and feel the need to heap their judgement upon others. Your daughters are so lucky to have such a loving and involved dad!

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