I just love Huxleys poem: light sparkles through his words.

I had a 'light' encounter with someone during the week. Laughter's such a tonic, we laughed so much 🤣 like a couple of kids. Shes one of those people who sparks both joy and laughter, although her lifes not always easy. Following on from your post last week, self cares so important, so finding a way to plays essential.

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Call me an ostrich, but I don’t devour the news. Headlines pop up, and if I think it’s something worth a read, I will. Current mental health advocacy is don’t watch the news if you suffer from depression (I do) as it can make it worse.

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Feb 25Liked by Siobhan Curham

I'm still speechless that a young man such as your son AKA "The Dashing Vicar" ⛪️ has such a position. It speaks volumes and saying he is a credit to you is putting it very mildly.

I can't imagine how you feel at times, I get weepy at the thought of having a night away from my son so if Axel grew up and was apart of an organisation helping vulnerable people IN A WAR ZONE I'd be on edge constantly!

What is going on in this world 🥺

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Feb 25Liked by Siobhan Curham

Thank you Siobhan. I have fairly recently begun my own spiritual journey, or I should say realised the journey, and feel I have reached the beginning of understanding. Everything you described resonates with me. From memory the words of another song come to mind ...we are all one and life flows on within you or without you.

Hard as it is to square, the Universe doesn't make mistakes. Love.

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